Source code for odc.geo.roi

# This file is part of the Open Data Cube, see for more information
# Copyright (c) 2015-2020 ODC Contributors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Tools for dealing with ROIs (Regions of Interest).

In this context ROI is a 2d slice of an image. For example a top left corner of 10 pixels square
will have an ROI that can be constructed with :py:func:`numpy.s_` like this: ``s_[0:10, 0:10]``.
import math
from collections import abc
from typing import List, Optional, Protocol, Sequence, Tuple, Union, overload

import numpy as np

from .math import align_down, align_up, edge_index
from .types import (

# This is numeric code, short names make sense in this context, so disabling
# "invalid name" checks for the whole file
# pylint: disable=invalid-name

class WindowFromSlice:
    """Translate numpy slices to rasterio window tuples."""

    def __getitem__(self, roi):
        if roi is None:
            return None

        if not isinstance(roi, abc.Sequence) or len(roi) != 2:
            raise ValueError("Need 2d roi")

        row, col = roi
        return (
            (0 if row.start is None else row.start, row.stop),
            (0 if col.start is None else col.start, col.stop),

w_ = WindowFromSlice()

class RoiTiles(Protocol):
    Abstraction for 2d slice/shape/chunks lookup.

    def __getitem__(self, idx: Union[SomeIndex2d, ROI]) -> Tuple[slice, slice]: ...

    def crop(self, roi: ROI) -> "RoiTiles": ...

    def tile_shape(self, idx: SomeIndex2d) -> Shape2d: ...

    def shape(self) -> Shape2d: ...

    def base(self) -> Shape2d: ...

    def chunks(self) -> Chunks2d: ...

    def locate(self, pix: SomeIndex2d) -> Tuple[int, int]: ...

    def __dask_tokenize__(self): ...

def norm_slice_2d(
    idx: Union[SomeIndex2d, ROI], shape: Tuple[int, int]
) -> NormalizedROI:
    if isinstance(idx, tuple):
        return roi_normalise(idx, shape)
    return roi_normalise(iyx_(idx).yx, shape)

def _fmt_shape(shape):
    n1, n2 = shape.yx
    if max(n1, n2) > 10_000:
        return f"{n1:_d}x{n2:_d}"
    return f"{n1:d}x{n2:d}"

def clip_tiles(
    tiles: RoiTiles, selection: Sequence[Tuple[int, int]]
) -> Tuple["RoiTiles", Tuple[slice, slice], List[Tuple[int, int]]]:
    Compute cropped version of tiles from a selection of tile indexes.

    :return: Cropped RoiTiles object, crop that was applied and tile indexes
             changed to the cropped address space.
    ii = np.asarray(selection)
    y1, x1 = ii.min(axis=0).tolist()
    y2, x2 = ii.max(axis=0).tolist()
    roi = np.s_[y1 : y2 + 1, x1 : x2 + 1]
    sel_new = [(y - y1, x - x1) for y, x in selection]
    return tiles.crop(roi), roi, sel_new

class Tiles:
    Partition box into tiles.

    Turns ``row, col`` index into a 2d ROI of the original box.

    def __init__(self, base_shape: SomeShape, tile_shape: SomeShape) -> None:
        tile_shape = shape_(tile_shape)
        base_shape = shape_(base_shape)
        self._tile_shape = tile_shape
        self._base_shape = base_shape
        ny, nx = (
            int(math.ceil(float(N) / n)) for N, n in zip(base_shape.yx, tile_shape.yx)
        self._shape = shape_((ny, nx))

    def crop(self, roi: ROI) -> "Tiles":
        base_shape = roi_shape(self[roi])
        return Tiles(base_shape, self._tile_shape)

    def __getitem__(self, idx: Union[SomeIndex2d, ROI]) -> Tuple[slice, slice]:
        def _slice(i: NormalizedSlice, N: int, n: int) -> slice:
            _in = i.start * n
            _out = i.stop * n

            if 0 <= _in < N and _out < N + n:
                return slice(_in, min(_out, N))
            raise IndexError(f"Index {idx} is out of range")

        idx = norm_slice_2d(idx, self._shape.yx)

        ir, ic = (
            _slice(i, N, n)
            for i, N, n in zip(idx, self._base_shape.yx, self._tile_shape.yx)
        return (ir, ic)

    def tile_shape(self, idx: SomeIndex2d) -> Shape2d:
        Query shape for a given tile.

        :param idx: ``(row, col)`` chunk index, supports numpy style indexing.
        :returns: shape of a tile (edge tiles might be smaller)
        :raises: :py:class:`IndexError` when index is outside of ``[(0,0) -> .shape)``.
        idx = iyx_(idx)

        def _sz(i: int, n: int, tile_sz: int, total_sz: int) -> int:
            if i < 0:  # numpy style index from the right
                i = n + i
            if 0 <= i < n - 1:  # not edge tile
                return tile_sz
            if i == n - 1:  # edge tile
                return total_sz - (i * tile_sz)
            # out of index case
            raise IndexError(f"Index {idx} is out of range")

        ny, nx = map(
            _sz, idx.yx, self._shape.yx, self._tile_shape.yx, self._base_shape.yx
        return shape_((ny, nx))

    def shape(self) -> Shape2d:
        """Number of tiles along each dimension."""
        return self._shape

    def base(self) -> Shape2d:
        """Base shape."""
        return self._base_shape

    def chunks(self) -> Chunks2d:
        """Dask compatible chunk rerpesentation."""
        NY, NX = self.shape.yx
        ny, nx = self.tile_shape((0, 0)).yx
        ny_, nx_ = self.tile_shape((NY - 1, NX - 1))

        return (
            (ny,) * (NY - 1) + (ny_,),
            (nx,) * (NX - 1) + (nx_,),

    def locate(self, pix: SomeIndex2d) -> Tuple[int, int]:
        """Tile index from pixel coordinate."""
        NY, NX = self._base_shape.yx
        y, x = iyx_(pix).yx
        if y < 0 or y >= NY or x < 0 or x >= NX:
            raise IndexError()
        ny, nx = self.tile_shape((0, 0)).yx
        return (y // ny, x // nx)

    def __dask_tokenize__(self):
        return (

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        b1, b2, b3 = map(_fmt_shape, [self._shape, self._tile_shape, self._base_shape])
        return f"Tiles: {b1}|{b2}px => {b3}px"

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return self.__str__()

    def __eq__(self, __value: object) -> bool:
        if __value is self:
            return True
        if not isinstance(__value, Tiles):
            return False
        return (
            self._base_shape == __value._base_shape
            and self._tile_shape == __value._tile_shape

class VariableSizedTiles:
    Partition box into tiles of varying sizes.

    Turns ``row, col`` index into a 2d ROI of the original box.

    __slots__ = ("_offsets",)

    def __init__(self, chunks: Chunks2d) -> None:
        self._offsets = tuple(
            np.asarray([0, *idx], dtype="int32").cumsum(dtype="int32") for idx in chunks

    def crop(self, roi: ROI) -> "VariableSizedTiles":
        roi = roi_normalise(roi, self.shape.yx)
        y, x = (ch[s.start : s.stop] for ch, s in zip(self.chunks, roi))
        return VariableSizedTiles((y, x))

    def __getitem__(self, idx: Union[SomeIndex2d, ROI]) -> Tuple[slice, slice]:
        idx = norm_slice_2d(idx, self.shape.yx)
        y, x = (
            slice(int(a[i.start]), int(a[i.stop])) for a, i in zip(self._offsets, idx)
        return (y, x)

    def tile_shape(self, idx: SomeIndex2d) -> Shape2d:
        Query shape for a given tile.

        :param idx: ``(row, col)`` chunk index
        :returns: shape of a tile
        :raises: :py:class:`IndexError` when index is outside of ``[(0,0) -> .shape)``.
        idx = iyx_(idx)
        ny, nx = (int(a[i + 1]) - int(a[i]) for a, i in zip(self._offsets, idx.yx))
        return Shape2d(x=nx, y=ny)

    def shape(self) -> Shape2d:
        """Number of tiles along each dimension."""
        ny, nx = (len(idx) - 1 for idx in self._offsets)
        return Shape2d(x=nx, y=ny)

    def base(self) -> Shape2d:
        """Base shape."""
        ny, nx = (int(idx[-1]) for idx in self._offsets)
        return Shape2d(x=nx, y=ny)

    def chunks(self) -> Tuple[Tuple[int, ...], Tuple[int, ...]]:
        """Dask compatible chunk rerpesentation."""
        y, x = (tuple(map(int, np.diff(idx))) for idx in self._offsets)
        return (y, x)

    def locate(self, pix: SomeIndex2d) -> Tuple[int, int]:
        """Tile index from pixel coordinate."""
        NY, NX = self.base.yx
        y, x = iyx_(pix).yx
        if y < 0 or y >= NY or x < 0 or x >= NX:
            raise IndexError()
        y, x = (
            # 1: because offsets start from 0, n1, n1+n2, ...
            int(np.searchsorted(bins[1:], pix, "right"))
            for bins, pix in zip(self._offsets, (y, x))
        return (y, x)

    def __dask_tokenize__(self):
        return (

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        b1, b2, b3 = map(_fmt_shape, [self.shape, self.tile_shape((0, 0)), self.base])
        return f"Tiles: {b1}|chunked {b2}px => {b3}px"

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return self.__str__()

    def __eq__(self, __value: object) -> bool:
        if __value is self:
            return True
        if not isinstance(__value, VariableSizedTiles):
            return False

        for a, b in zip(self._offsets, __value._offsets):
            if a.shape != b.shape:
                return False
            if (a != b).any():
                return False
        return True

def roi_tiles(shape: SomeShape, how: Union[SomeShape, Chunks2d]) -> RoiTiles:
    if isinstance(how, (tuple, list)) and isinstance(how[0], (tuple, list)):
        y, x = (tuple(i) for i in how)
        return VariableSizedTiles((y, x))
    return Tiles(shape, how)

[docs] def polygon_path( x: np.ndarray, y: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, closed: bool = True, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Points along axis aligned polygon. A little bit like :py:func:`numpy.meshgrid`, except returns only boundary points and limited to a 2d case only. .. rubric:: Examples .. code-block:: [0,1] - unit square [0,1], [0,1] => [[0, 1, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1, 0]]) # three points per X, two point per Y side [0,1,2], [7,9] => [[0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0], [7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 7]] :returns: A ``2xN`` array, ``x, y = polygon_path(...)`` """ if not isinstance(x, np.ndarray): x = np.asarray(x) if y is None: y = x if not isinstance(y, np.ndarray): y = np.asarray(y) shape = (len(y), len(x)) iy, ix = np.asarray(list(edge_index(shape, closed=closed)), dtype="uint32").T return np.vstack([x[np.newaxis, ix], y[np.newaxis, iy]])
[docs] def roi_boundary(roi: NormalizedROI, pts_per_side: int = 2) -> np.ndarray: """ Get boundary points from a 2d roi. roi needs to be in the normalised form, i.e. no open-ended start/stop, :returns: ``Nx2 <float64>`` array of ``X,Y`` points on the perimeter of the envelope defined by ``roi`` .. seealso:: :py:func:`~odc.geo.roi.roi_normalise` """ yy, xx = roi xx = np.linspace(xx.start, xx.stop, pts_per_side, dtype="float64") yy = np.linspace(yy.start, yy.stop, pts_per_side, dtype="float64") return polygon_path(xx, yy, closed=False).T
[docs] def scaled_down_roi(roi: NormalizedROI, scale: int) -> NormalizedROI: """ Compute ROI for a scaled down image. Given a crop region of the original image compute equivalent crop in the overview image. :param roi: ROI in the original image :param scale: integer scale to get scaled down image :return: ROI in the scaled down image """ s1, s2 = (slice(s.start // scale, align_up(s.stop, scale) // scale) for s in roi) return (s1, s2)
[docs] def scaled_up_roi( roi: NormalizedROI, scale: int, shape: Optional[SomeShape] = None ) -> NormalizedROI: """ Compute ROI for a scaled up image. Given a crop region in the original image compute equivalent crop in the upsampled image. :param roi: ROI in the original image :param scale: integer scale to get scaled up image :param shape: Clamp to that shape is supplied :return: ROI in the scaled up image """ s1, s2 = (slice(s.start * scale, s.stop * scale) for s in roi) if shape is not None: s1, s2 = ( slice(min(dim, s.start), min(dim, s.stop)) for s, dim in zip([s1, s2], shape_(shape)) ) return (s1, s2)
[docs] def scaled_down_shape(shape: Tuple[int, ...], scale: int) -> Tuple[int, ...]: """ Compute shape of the overview image. :param shape: Original shape :param scale: Shrink factor :return: shape of the overview image """ return tuple(align_up(s, scale) // scale for s in shape)
# fmt: off @overload def roi_shape(roi: ROI) -> Tuple[int, int]: ... @overload def roi_shape(roi: NdROI) -> Tuple[int, ...]: ... # fmt: on
[docs] def roi_shape(roi: NdROI) -> Tuple[int, ...]: """ Shape of an array after cropping with ``roi``. Same as ``xx[roi].shape``. """ def slice_dim(s: SomeSlice) -> int: if isinstance(s, int): return 1 _out = s.stop if _out is None: raise ValueError( "Can't determine shape of the slice with open right-hand side." ) if s.start is None: return _out return _out - s.start if not isinstance(roi, tuple): roi = (roi,) return tuple(slice_dim(s) for s in roi)
[docs] def roi_is_empty(roi: NdROI) -> bool: """ Check if ROI is "empty". ROI is empty if any dimension is 0 elements wide. """ return any(d <= 0 for d in roi_shape(roi))
[docs] def roi_is_full(roi: NdROI, shape: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]]) -> bool: """ Check if ROI covers the entire region. :returns: ``True`` if ``roi`` covers region from ``(0,..) -> shape`` :returns: ``False`` if ``roi`` actually crops an image """ def slice_full(s: SomeSlice, n: int) -> bool: if isinstance(s, int): return n == 1 return s.start in (0, None) and s.stop in (n, None) if not isinstance(roi, tuple): roi = (roi,) if not isinstance(shape, tuple): shape = (shape,) return all(slice_full(s, n) for s, n in zip(roi, shape))
def _fill_if_none(x: Optional[T], val_if_none: T) -> T: return val_if_none if x is None else x def _norm_slice_or_error(s: SomeSlice) -> NormalizedSlice: if isinstance(s, int): start = s stop = s + 1 step = None else: start = _fill_if_none(s.start, 0) if s.stop is None: raise ValueError("Can't process open ended slice") stop = s.stop step = s.step if stop < 0 or start < 0: raise ValueError("Can't process negative offset slice") return slice(start, stop, step) def _norm_slice(s: SomeSlice, n: int) -> NormalizedSlice: if isinstance(s, int): if s < 0: s = n + s return slice(s, s + 1) start = _fill_if_none(s.start, 0) stop = _fill_if_none(s.stop, n) start, stop = (x if x >= 0 else n + x for x in (start, stop)) return slice(start, stop, s.step) def slice_intersect3(a: SomeSlice, b: SomeSlice) -> Tuple[slice, slice, slice]: """ Compute overlap 3 way. Compute part of a that overlaps b, part of b that overlaps a and the region of the original region covered by the overlap. :returns: ``a', b', ab'``, such that ``X[a][a'] == X[b][b'] == X[ab']`` """ a = _norm_slice_or_error(a) b = _norm_slice_or_error(b) na = a.stop - a.start nb = b.stop - b.start if a.stop < b.start: return slice(na, na), slice(0, 0), slice(a.stop, a.stop) if a.start > b.stop: return slice(0, 0), slice(nb, nb), slice(a.start, a.start) _in = max(a.start, b.start) _out = min(a.stop, b.stop) return ( slice(_in - a.start, _out - a.start), slice(_in - b.start, _out - b.start), slice(_in, _out), ) def roi_intersect3( a: Tuple[SomeSlice, ...], b: Tuple[SomeSlice, ...] ) -> Tuple[Tuple[slice, ...], Tuple[slice, ...], Tuple[slice, ...]]: """ Compute overlap 3 way. Compute part of a that overlaps b, part of b that overlaps a and the region of the original region covered by the overlap. :returns: ``a', b', ab'``, such that ``X[a][a'] == X[b][b'] == X[ab']`` """ assert len(a) == len(b) aa, bb, cc = zip(*[slice_intersect3(a_, b_) for a_, b_ in zip(a, b)]) return aa, bb, cc # fmt: off @overload def roi_normalise(roi: SomeSlice, shape: Union[int, Tuple[int]]) -> NormalizedSlice: ... @overload def roi_normalise(roi: ROI, shape: Tuple[int, int]) -> NormalizedROI: ... @overload def roi_normalise(roi: Tuple[SomeSlice, ...], shape: Tuple[int, ...] ) -> Tuple[NormalizedSlice, ...]: ... # fmt: on
[docs] def roi_normalise( roi: NdROI, shape: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]] ) -> Union[NormalizedSlice, Tuple[NormalizedSlice, ...]]: """ Normalise ROI. Fill in missing ``.start/.stop``, also deal with negative values, which are treated as offsets from the end. ``.step`` parameter is left unchanged. .. rubric:: Example .. code-block:: np.s_[:3, 4: ], (10, 20) => np.s_[0:3, 4:20] np.s_[:3, :-3], (10, 20) => np.s_[0:3, 0:17] """ if not isinstance(roi, abc.Sequence): if isinstance(shape, abc.Sequence): (shape,) = shape return _norm_slice(roi, shape) if not isinstance(shape, abc.Sequence): shape = (shape,) return tuple(_norm_slice(s, n) for s, n in zip(roi, shape))
# fmt: off @overload def roi_pad(roi: SomeSlice, pad: int, shape: int) -> NormalizedSlice: ... @overload def roi_pad(roi: Tuple[SomeSlice, ...], pad: int, shape: Tuple[int, ...]) -> Tuple[NormalizedSlice, ...]: ... # fmt: on
[docs] def roi_pad( roi: NdROI, pad: int, shape: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]] ) -> Union[NormalizedSlice, Tuple[NormalizedSlice, ...]]: """ Pad ROI on each side, with clamping. Returned ROI is guaranteed to be within ``(0,..) -> shape``. """ def pad_slice(s: SomeSlice, n: int) -> NormalizedSlice: s = _norm_slice(s, n) return slice(max(0, s.start - pad), min(n, s.stop + pad)) if not isinstance(roi, abc.Sequence): if isinstance(shape, abc.Sequence): (shape,) = shape return pad_slice(roi, shape) if not isinstance(shape, abc.Sequence): shape = (shape,) return tuple(pad_slice(s, n) for s, n in zip(roi, shape))
# fmt: off @overload def roi_intersect(a: SomeSlice, b: SomeSlice) -> NormalizedSlice: ... @overload def roi_intersect(a: Tuple[SomeSlice, ...], b: Tuple[SomeSlice, ...]) -> Tuple[NormalizedSlice, ...]: ... # fmt: on
[docs] def roi_intersect( a: NdROI, b: NdROI ) -> Union[NormalizedSlice, Tuple[NormalizedSlice, ...]]: """ Compute intersection of two ROIs. .. rubric:: Examples .. code-block:: s_[1:30], s_[20:40] => s_[20:30] s_[1:10], s_[20:40] => s_[10:10] # works for N dimensions s_[1:10, 11:21], s_[8:12, 10:30] => s_[8:10, 11:21] """ def slice_intersect(a: SomeSlice, b: SomeSlice) -> NormalizedSlice: a = _norm_slice_or_error(a) b = _norm_slice_or_error(b) if a.stop < b.start: return slice(a.stop, a.stop) if a.start > b.stop: return slice(a.start, a.start) _in = max(a.start, b.start) _out = min(a.stop, b.stop) return slice(_in, _out) if not isinstance(a, abc.Sequence): if isinstance(b, abc.Sequence): (b,) = b return slice_intersect(a, b) if not isinstance(b, abc.Sequence): b = (b,) return tuple(slice_intersect(sa, sb) for sa, sb in zip(a, b))
# fmt: off @overload def roi_center(roi: SomeSlice) -> float: ... @overload def roi_center(roi: Tuple[SomeSlice, ...]) -> Tuple[float, ...]: ... # fmt: on
[docs] def roi_center(roi: NdROI) -> Union[float, Tuple[float, ...]]: """Return center point of an ``roi``.""" def slice_center(s: SomeSlice) -> float: s = _norm_slice_or_error(s) return (s.start + s.stop) * 0.5 if not isinstance(roi, abc.Sequence): return slice_center(roi) return tuple(slice_center(s) for s in roi)
[docs] def roi_from_points( xy: np.ndarray, shape: SomeShape, padding: int = 0, align: Optional[int] = None, ) -> NormalizedROI: """ Build ROI from sample points. Compute envelope around a bunch of points and return it as an ROI (tuple of row/col slices) Returned roi is clipped ``(0,0) --> shape``, so it won't stick outside of the valid region. """ shape = shape_(shape) def to_roi(*args): return tuple(slice(int(v[0]), int(v[1])) for v in args) assert len(shape) == 2 assert xy.ndim == 2 and xy.shape[1] == 2 # keep finite points only # if any points are not finite remove them ok_mask = np.isfinite(xy) if not ok_mask.all(): keep = ok_mask.T[0] * ok_mask.T[1] xy = xy[keep, :] if xy.shape[0] == 0: return np.s_[0:0, 0:0] ny, nx = shape _in = np.floor(xy.min(axis=0)).astype("int32") - padding _out = np.ceil(xy.max(axis=0)).astype("int32") + padding if align is not None: _in = align_down(_in, align) _out = align_up(_out, align) xx = np.asarray([_in[0], _out[0]]) yy = np.asarray([_in[1], _out[1]]) xx = np.clip(xx, 0, nx, out=xx) yy = np.clip(yy, 0, ny, out=yy) return to_roi(yy, xx)